
12 Week Mind + Body Connection One Week Trial

Imagine a Life Where Your Mind and Body Work in Perfect Harmony

Signing up for our one week trial course we will provide you access to the first week of our 12 week program for FREE!

If you decide you're ready to elevate into the full program, here's what you'll get after your trial:

  • Tailored 1:1 coaching for emotional health, nutrition, and support through the program
  • 12-week exercise program created by Carley Shaye, CPT, CNC
  • Yoga, weekly subconscious meditations & mindfulness practices
  • Personalized sleep & biohacking protocols 

Here's what you'll achieve:

  • A deep understanding of the intricate link between your mind and body
  • Techniques to harness the power of your mind to influence your physical health
  • Strategies to maintain a consistent, healthy lifestyle that suits your unique needs
  • The ability to manage stress and anxiety effectively