20-minute Complimentary Alignment Call New Clients

Whether you're struggling with chronic health challenges, feeling stagnant in life, or sensing a void within, YHHJ provides holistic solutions to guide you towards optimal well-being. Our integrative approach, blending neuroscience, functional nutrition, sleep, exercise and meditation techniques, creating a whole body approach offers a path to holistic health that may be precisely what you need.


Our 4 Pillars of Care Focused on a Whole-Body Approach: 

Emotional Health

Sleep Optimization

Nutritional Coaching

Exercise Programs 

Our mission is to help you and your loved ones live a balanced life by providing comprehensive support that addresses both the physical and emotional aspects of wellness.

Who We Serve:

  • Individuals seeking to build resilience
  • Those looking to develop self-awareness and mindfulness
  • Individuals seeking to cultivate fulfilling relationships
  • People on a journey of micro-trauma healing and self-discovery
  • Those aiming to identify triggers and overcome unhealthy patterns
  • Individuals in need of guided meditations for emotional regulation
  • People seeking to improve their sleep hygiene practices
  • Those looking for stress management techniques
  • Individuals in need of personalized sleep plans
  • People seeking individualized nutrition coaching
  • Those looking to increase awareness of emotional eating and practice mindful eating
  • Individuals in need of personalized nutrition plans
  • People seeking mood enhancement and depression prevention through physical activity
  • Individuals aiming to build muscle mass for longevity and mobility
  • Those in need of personalized exercise plans

New Client Appointment $175

During your initial appointment, we’ll explore your wellness goals, focusing on both physical health and emotional well-being.

You'll complete a wellness questionnaire beforehand to provide insights into your nutrition, internal function, and stress levels.

Together, we'll review your responses and create actionable strategies to help you conquer stress and reclaim your health.

Our goal is to offer a comprehensive assessment and personalized guidance to support you every step of the way.

Schedule Here

12 Week Mind + Body Connection 

With access to 12 tailored 1 hour- 1:1 coaching calls 

Transform stress into wellness so you can achieve the balance you desire and elevate every aspect of your life. 

Here's what you'll get:

  • Access to 12 tailored 1- hour 1:1 coaching calls 
  • 12-week exercise program created by Carley Shaye, CPT, CNC
  • Yoga, weekly subconscious meditations & mindfulness practices
  • Personalized sleep & biohacking protocols 

Here's what you'll achieve:

  • A deep understanding of the intricate link between your mind and body
  • Techniques to harness the power of your mind to influence your physical health
  • Strategies to maintain a consistent, healthy lifestyle that suits your unique needs
  • The ability to manage stress and anxiety effectively



12 Week Mind + Body Connection Self Guided

For those who prefer or feel they don't need 1:1 guidance, enjoy the flexibility of our go-at-your-own-pace self guided 12 week program.

Experience the same in-depth course modules, practical techniques, lifestyle strategies, and stress management tools as our full 12-week program, all at your own pace. Our self-guided program offers comprehensive lessons on the mind-body connection, nutrition, and effective stress reduction. You'll learn powerful methods to harness your mind's influence on your physical health and develop a sustainable, healthy lifestyle that fits your unique needs. Access a wealth of resources, including videos, worksheets, and guides, to support your journey and transform stress into wellness without the need for 1:1 coaching.



Amy N.

I have been looking for a program like YHHJ for years!The way that Nicole and Kelcie combine functional nutrition, emotional health, and spiritual awakening is truly life changing. Words can’t express how grateful I am to have them helping guide my journey to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Kim L.

YHHJ helped me recognize that my 'go go go' mentality was causing more harm than I realized. Now, I'm a calmer wife and mom, and the added bonus is I look and feel better too!

Whitney W.

Initially I thought I had a solid grasp on wellness, but the YHHJ experience revealed a whole new level of understanding. Considering the investment in my wellbeing, choosing to work with them has proven to be the best decision I have made for myself.